Here is a link to an essay I wrote that attempts to answer the question, “Why do you need ‘assault rifles’ or ‘high-capacity’ magazines?”. Please share the link with all who you feel might find it interesting, thought-provoking, or even maddening! Click here to read Rob’s essay
Read more →Straight out of Essential Liberty: They say that, as California goes, so goes the country. Let’s hope not. More drivel legislation has been passed out on the far left coast. Gun registration, outlawing of lawfully-owned firearms, a $50 fee to purchase ammunition, mandatory reporting for “large purchases”
Read more →I’m sure he still hates us gun-toting, “incredibly-stupid” (his words) people, but at least Piers Morgan has come around enough to admit the possibility that the federal government may be inclined toward tyranny. Click here for Piers’ awakening
Read more →I haven’t commented on this photo since it first appeared a few days ago. We’ve all heard that it is against USMC uniform code, etc. to carry an umbrella, but that’s not the issue to me. My take? Here is a well-trained young Marine Corporal being denigrated.
Read more →Good job by these senators for standing firm against political pressure (so far). Hopefully it will hold. By the way, “Internet sales” of guns is largely a fabrication by 2nd Amendment haters. Click here to view the linked article
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