Why is it that “tolerance” seems to be expected only of Western democracies? Would anyone in their right mind really expect tolerance from Communist China? Of course not: Intolerance is accepted as the norm in tyrannical regimes. Sure, the intolerance exemplified by Putin’s treatment of homosexuals in
Read more →Well, better late than never, I suppose. I guess I should welcome the Statists to the party…although it took them a while to arrive. Oh, I know, Woodrow Wilson hinted at it and FDR offered his own version of it in 1941—although he included “freedom from want”
Read more →The United States of America is an exceptional country. De Tocqueville spelled it out and luminaries such as Thomas Jefferson used the term as well. It’s not because we’re somehow “better” than other countries or have more resources, a more powerful military, or more wealth—though we may.
Read more →Dana is fantastic. I really enjoyed the interview. It’s roughly seven minutes long. It’s about the Zimmerman verdict, and bear in mind that the Zimmerman/Martin affair had NOTHING to do with “race” or “gun violence.” This case is important because it establishes our right to self defense,
Read more →The President of the United States used the Zimmerman “not guilty” verdict as an occasion to implore the American people to ask “ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence.” While the Senate Minority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid (D) Nevada, said
Read more →The new film, “Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire,” is described by Writer, Executive Producer, and Director Kris Koenig as, “a documentary that brings audiences to the center of the controversy over the issue that is dividing our nation – gun control.” For that reason alone, it’s important:
Read more →This Independence Day, It occurs to me that we Americans may not be that “Independent” after all. I’m not referring to us as a country, but as individuals. We fought a Revolutionary War in the late eighteenth century against King George III’s England to throw off the
Read more →Yesterday, Michael Bloomberg’s group, “Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” issued an apology for his group’s characterization of Boston Marathon Bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev as a “victim of gun violence.” The group says he shouldn’t have been included on the list of victims. Ya’ think? They claim Slate.com provided
Read more →Actually, they never left. Yesterday, VP Biden made clear what those of us who support Second Amendment rights and individual liberty have warned about for the last couple of months: a legislative victory or two in Washington D.C. means nothing. Those who believe that less freedom equals
Read more →Here’s the latest review of Essential Liberty. This one is by Howard Nemerov at PJ Media: Click here for PJ Media’s review of Essential Liberty
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